
شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره

شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره


Contact Info

مساعدة الدليل:
Beside Souq Waqif , Above Al Razi Pharmacy
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معلومات عنا

Our Vision 
To be the leading company providing innovative medical products and services to Customers and achieve high market share in every business that we engaged into.

Our Mission 
Provide products and services related to pharmaceutical, nutritional, consumer, veterinary and medical equipments to our customers that include procurement, custom clearance, storage, distribution, maintenance and service.

Our Values
We will pursue our Mission, Vision, and Customer promise of service with a desire for:

Integrity: Building trust with Customers, Communities, Suppliers and one another by doing what is right: keeping our promises, being a good citizen, complying with regulations and laws and honoring rules of engagement.

Teamwork: Working across organizational and cultural boundaries to achieve outstanding performance and deliver to Customers.

Excellence: Building a culture based on quality in thought and in execution to serve Customers better.

Gulf Technical and Trading Company Divisions

Pharmaceutical Division

Pharmaceutical is the major division of Gulf Technical & Trading Company .Pharmaceutical division was divided into two sectors namely Private and Institutional sector. Private sector deals with private pharmacies and private hospitals whereas; Institutional sector deals with Ministries, Charitable Societies, and Government subsidiaries etc.

Gulf Technical & Trading Company has the distributor of more than 20 major Pharmaceutical Companies; around 500 products are distributed to nearly 450 customers all over in Qatar including the products of top most global listed drug manufactures such as Novartis Pharma Services, Astellas, AbbottPfizer and Johnson & Johnson etc.

Nutrition Division 

Nutrition is the second major division of Gulf Technical & Trading Company .

Consumer Division

Consumer Division in Gulf Technical & Trading Company, distributing around 185 products in Qatar to more than 90 customers including wholesalers and retailers. Our major customers are Lulu Hyper market, Carrefour, City Centre, Gulf Mart, High Way Centre etc. Church & Dwight, Jaywir and SMI are some of the suppliers of consumer products.


Contact Info

مساعدة الدليل:
Beside Souq Waqif , Above Al Razi Pharmacy
بريد إلكتروني:
الموقع الالكترونى:

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اوقات العمل


تخصصات شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره فى قطر

هل تبحث عن تخصصات شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره فى قطر ؟؟،هل تبحث عن تخصصات شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره فى قطر فى المنطقة التى تعيش بها ؟؟ طبيبك قطر يوفر لك وقتك وجهدك ومالك ويوفر لك كل ما تريد ان تعرف عن تخصصات شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره فى قطر ، مما يسهل من عملية البحث ويوفر لك وقتك فى البحث عن شركة الخليج تكنيكال للتجاره ، يتم تصنيف الاطباء فى طبيبك قطر حسب التخصص المنطقة وايضا حسب التامين فى العيادة او المستشفى. يهدف موقع طبيبك قطر إلى مساعدة المرضى في البحث عن الاطباء والعيادات فى قطر من مختلف التخصصات، والمقارنة بينهم من خلال قراءة بياناتهم ا.... -  قراءة المزيد