
كير ان كيور

كير ان كيور


Contact Info

مساعدة الدليل:
P. O. Box 23094, Doha-Qatar
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معلومات عنا

Care n Cure is one of the leading pharmacy chains running successfully across Qatar. We have a dedicated corporate division that caters to the medical needs of over 100 major corporate clients in Qatar. We provide our corporate clients with customized health care packages in association with reputed polyclinics. We are the sole distributors for many major brands in Qatar which is represented by Care n Cure Trading. It caters to the requirements of large format Hypermarkets, Supermarkets and Convenient Stores. We supply Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) that also comprises of our agency products. Care n Cure also runs a dental clinic by the name DR. MANOJ DENTAL CLINIC which is unique with its excellence in patient care.

Care n Cure is an ISO 9001:2008 certified, diverse Business Enterprise in the State of Qatar. It was established in the year 2000. Care n Cure is a trusted name for its quality products and services. We prioritize customer satisfaction and it is ensured with high standards of customer service.

Care n Cure marked the onset of its journey with the opening of Corniche Pharmacy in Doha. Over the past decade, it has diversified into other lucrative segments in and across Qatar.

Our team is built of qualified and competent professionals. With an efficient workforce and an ever growing clientele, Care n Cure has progressed to be a renowned group in Qatar. Our innovative approach combined with continuous quest for world-class quality has enabled us to attain leadership in all our major lines of business.


To become a leading business conglomerate, by focusing on our customers and committing ourselves to exceed quality expectations, through motivation, empowerment and dedication.


To excel in business by committing ourselves to create effective customer relation with high emphasis on customer satisfaction by providing products that meet and exceed their expectations.



Contact Info

مساعدة الدليل:
P. O. Box 23094, Doha-Qatar
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اوقات العمل


عيادات كير ان كيور فى قطر

هل تبحث عن عيادات كير ان كيور فى قطر ؟؟،هل تبحث عن عيادات كير ان كيور فى قطر فى المنطقة التى تعيش بها ؟؟ طبيبك قطر يوفر لك وقتك وجهدك ومالك ويوفر لك كل ما تريد ان تعرف عن عيادات كير ان كيور فى قطر ، مما يسهل من عملية البحث ويوفر لك وقتك فى البحث عن كير ان كيور ، يتم تصنيف الاطباء فى طبيبك قطر حسب التخصص المنطقة وايضا حسب التامين فى العيادة او المستشفى. يهدف موقع طبيبك قطر إلى مساعدة المرضى في البحث عن الاطباء والعيادات فى قطر من مختلف التخصصات، والمقارنة بينهم من خلال قراءة بياناتهم المهنية وو التعرف على خبراتهم ، مما يسهل عملية الحجز في الموعد المناس.... -  قراءة المزيد