
Shafallah Center

Shafallah Center


The age ranges in this dept. for those individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD) between (19 – 21 years). The department provide(s) and implement teaching, vocational training, rehabilitation, habilitation, employment and post-employment services , for trainees ,as well as social integration activities. These services are provided to them according to their abilities and needs after conducting a comprehensive assessment (evaluation), to facilitate a successful transition from school to employment. The department was established in 2009.

The main Goal(s):

The main goal(s) of the dept. represent in the mission and the vision of this dept. ; the dept. aiming to:

  • Become a locally, regionally and internationally model for institutions and organizations working in vocational and rehabilitation services for those individuals with IDD, and this could be achieved through :
  • Providing educational, rehabilitation, vocational, employment and social integration activities for those individuals with IDD and disability in general at Shafallah Center aged above 16 years up to 21 years. The dept. includes two sections , with two units in each section as follows:
  1. Vocational Section:
  • Vocational Unit for Boys
  • Vocational Unit for Girls.
  1. Job Training Section :
  • Employment unit
  • Activity Unit

Department Sections:

  1. Vocational Section: this section includes two main units:
  • Vocational Training Unit – Boys :
  • This Unit provide(s) educational, vocational training, and social integration activities, for boys(‘s) students aged between 16 – 19 years in educational, vocational, activity of daily living and functional job (career) skills.
  • Vocational Training Unit – Girls

This unit provide(s) educational, vocational training, and social integration activities, for girls students aged between 16 – 19 years in educational, vocational, activity of daily living and functional job (career) skills.

  1. Job Training Section:

This section provides employment training, employment and follow-ups services for trainees from vocational section boys and girls aged 19-21 years. This section facilitates looking for job programs as well as training programs in educational and other ADL skills, this section includes :

  • Employment Unit Job Training Unit :

This unit is dealing with graduates (trainees) in terms of looking for jobs that match with their abilities, training on designated jobs and evaluation of proposed work environments as well as some educational and training skills of academic and various educational, technical advice to support employers, employment surveys, studies and research related to the (job)labor market and employers, as well as follow-up to community awareness in disability and disability employment is also provided in this unit.

This unit and in coordination with the local community organizations , institutes working together to maintain the rights of those with IDD to obtain and enable them to have jobs and finding appropriate solutions for the individuals with IDD in the employability rights and recruitment.

  • Activity Unit (Sheltered Employment Unit) :

This unit provides training and rehabilitation services for the educational, vocational, daily living and independent skills, the development of assembly lines and vocational workshops for – trainees who are difficult to employ independently (supported employment)- , as well as planning, preparation and implementation of various social activities ,and the marketing of the products for public.

Al the activities and services are available and provided In order to enable and maintain their abilities in the community according to each trainee respective capabilities and abilities.


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