
Cedars Dental Center - Al Hillal

Cedars Dental Center - Al Hillal

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Cedars Dental Center is to provide our patients the very best dental care in the most caring, supportive, and nurturing manner possible. in Cedars Dental Center We also believe in promoting long-term dental-health through the most superior treatment available. To that end, we employ highly-qualified dental professionals and utilize leading-edge technologies. in Cedars Dental Clinic We listen carefully to our patients, and partner with them to maintain their dental health. in Cedars Dental Center Our focus on aesthetic and cosmetic techniques further supports this commitment to provide the best overall long-term dental care, and to enable our patients to look and feel their best.

Cedars Dental Clinic for all your Esthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry, Root Canal Therapy, Crown and Bridge, Dental veneers, Tooth Extraction, Pediatric Dentistry (Children Dentistry) Teeth Whitening, Porcelain Crowns, Dental Implants, and Periodontics needs.

Cedars Dental Center Services


Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a procedure by which dentists can save a diseased tooth which would otherwise have to be extracted. In this process, dentists target the pulp i.e. the center of the tooth. This pulp contains nerves and blood vessels and helps fight infection in the tooth.


Periodontal disease refers to disease of the gums. The main cause of periodontal disease is bacterial plaque. However, other factors such as genetics, smoking, tobacco consumption, as well as medical conditions like diabetes can also lead to periodontal disease. The most common indicators of this disease are bleeding gums and bad breath.


Everyone wishes for a set of perfect teeth. Unfortunately, many people do not have a set of perfect teeth. Sometimes teeth just don't grow in evenly. Some people's teeth are crowded together while some may have too much space between their teeth. The two main causes of crooked teeth are heredity and environmental factors. Similarly crooked teeth can also be caused due to habits such as tongue thrusting and thumb sucking.


The concept of a "filling" is replacing and restoring your tooth structure that is damaged due to decay or fracture with a material. in Cedars Dental Center We will replace old, broken-down amalgam/metal fillings that contain traces of mercury with white fillings (composites) to restore your smile and teeth to a more natural look and feel. With today's advancements, no longer will you have to suffer the embarrassment of unsightly and unhealthy silver/mercury fillings or metal margins of the past. Eliminate the dark, black appearance in your teeth with new-age, state-of-the-art, tooth-colored resin or porcelain materials.


An extraction is the complete removal of a tooth. in Cedars Dental Center Extractions are sometimes necessary if a primary tooth is preventing the normal eruption of a permanent tooth, if the tooth has suffered extensive tooth decay or trauma that cannot be repaired, if the patient has gum disease, or if the tooth is impacted (usually the wisdom teeth). In certain cases, the wisdom tooth that cannot come through becomes inflamed under the gums and in the jawbone, causing a sac to develop around the root of the tooth that then fills with liquid. This can cause a cyst or an abscess if it becomes infected. If either of these situations goes untreated, serious damage to the underlying bone and surrounding teeth and tissues can result.


Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dental medicine that focuses on preventive and corrective dental care and oral health for children. The dental setup of children is very different from that of adults. Hence, their requirements also differ significantly which must be taken into account when dealing with kids and minors. Usually, going to the pediatric dentist for a check up or a visit can cause anxiety in children; we all know how daunting it can be to visit the dentist as an adult; as a child with not much understanding of dental care, the fear can be even more overwhelming. Our pedodontist knows how to deal with minors, how to allay their fears and explain any misconceptions about oral health, and make the young patient feel comfortable and at ease.


In our current day, the world of Dentistry is moving extremely quickly. Our perception of beauty is becoming increasingly important to each and every one of us. We provide a truly unique experience in cosmetic dentistry, by deploying the most technically advanced systems and the best customer service. There are many techniques and options to treat teeth that are discolored, chipped, misshapen or missing. We can reshape your teeth, close spaces, restore worn or short teeth or alter the length of your teeth. Common procedures include bleaching, bonding, crowns, veneers and reshaping and contouring.


in Cedars Dental Clinic It is scientifically the best and most reliable way to replace missing teeth .Implants in our clinics are done by specialist (implantologist) in order to give our lovely patients the highest rate of success and the minimum of post-operative discomfort.Having a dental implant at our clinics is a ten minutes painless procedure thanks to our well trained team and advanced implant systems we are using.



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