
Gulf Dental Center

Gulf Dental Center

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Our group offers a modern and welcoming private dental and medical practice in Qatar.
From our great location – ideal for all patients across Qatar – to the comfortable reception lounge, ample free parking, and cutting-edge facilities and technology, everything at Gulf Dental-Manila Dental & Family Polyclinic, has been designed with you in mind.
We want your experience to be a positive one from start to finish, for you to know that you are in safe hands and to expect the best possible care.
We are open early in the morning from 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM for your convenience.

What distinguish Gulf Dental Center, Manila Dental Center and Family Medical Polyclinic from the rest? The answer is complex, involving our history, our teamwork and our long-standing commitment to excellence. But put simply, we feel our people and patients – we feel their needs so we offer them a unique approach and remarkable services in healthcare.
I’ve been privileged to serve this organization since 2004, along with the first opening of Gulf Dental Center which initially consist of 6 clinics, later on extended to 8 clinics to further accommodate the increasing number of clients. As we continue our quest to provide the best in healthcare, we’ve decided to expand and open two more branches, one branch in Al Duhail and another one at Al Wakra. Furthermore, Increasing patient’s demands for dental care have compelled us to build another dental facility called Manila Dental Center Located behind Luluhypermarket,Old Airport.I am particularly excited to express our commitment in providing the best care for every patient. We have served generations of families who live here year-round or seasonally. We consider ourselves an integral part of our communities. We look forward to meeting your healthcare needs for a lifetime.
Moreover, I encourage you to consider our excellent performance, from a service and quality standpoint, when deciding where to receive medical care. Please feel free to explore not only our website, but also our facilities. Our Clinics are friendly, comfortable and staffed with people who care. Every member of our staff is committed to giving you the best experience.

Gulf Dental Center Services

Diagnostic & X-ray

Dental X-rays are a useful diagnostic tool when helping your dentist detect damage and disease not visible during a regular dental exam. How often X-rays should be taken depends on your present oral health, your age, your risk for disease, and any signs and symptoms of oral disease.
Our professional dental team will review your history, examine your mouth and then decide whether or not you need X-rays.
If you are a new patient, our dentist may recommend X-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and have a baseline to help identify changes that may occur later.

Types of Dental x-ray offered:
• Small intra oral digital xray
• Occlusal x-ray
• Panoramic x-ray
• Lateral extra oral x-ray

A dental consultation helps you find the right dental practice and the right dental services to meet your needs and expectations. During a consultation, our cosmetic dentists can tell you more about the high-quality services and advanced technology we offer. If you decide to become one of our patients, we provide a new patient examination to establish your dental needs and how we can improve your oral health.
As a new patient, you receive a comprehensive exam so we can establish your current oral health, dental needs and cosmetic dental goals. From this foundation, we can provide the dentistry that will be the most effective for you.


What Does Preventive Dentistry Do?
Our dental team will first check your teeth and gums, and talk to you about any treatment you need. The main aim is to help you get your mouth really healthy. In a healthy mouth it is unlikely that decay or gum disease will continue to be a problem.
• Our dental team will thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth. This is often called a ‘scale and polish’.

• Fluoride application- A topical fluoride treatment is applied after you received a professional cleaning. Usually a fluoride gel or foam is placed in mouth shaped trays (affectionately known as duck trays) and inserted into the mouth for the teeth to “soak” in for a few minutes. Fluoride can re-mineralize small imperfections in the tooth enamel by attracting calcium to the teeth. Fluoride can actually make teeth stronger! Years of research and use have proven fluoride to be a safe and effective means of fighting and preventing tooth decay.
• Our dental team will show you the best ways to brush, and how to clean in between your teeth using interdental brushes or floss, to remove the bacterial ‘plaque’ which forms constantly on your teeth. When you eat or drink something sugary, the bacteria in the plaque turn the sugar into acid, which may cause tooth decay. Plaque can also cause gum inflammation (swelling and soreness) if it is not regularly and thoroughly removed. The hard tartar (or ‘calculus’) which builds up on the teeth also starts off as plaque.
What else can the dentist and hygienist do to help prevent tooth decay?
Fluoride helps teeth resist decay. Your dental team will recommend the right level of fluoride for you to use in your toothpaste. Fluoride varnishes may be recommended for children to help prevent decay. If you are particularly at risk of decay your dental team may recommend or prescribe a high-strength fluoride toothpaste.
What are pit and fissure sealants?

The biting surfaces of teeth can be protected by applying ‘sealants’. These make the tooth surface smoother and easier to clean, and prevent decay starting in the difficult-to-clean areas. Your dental team will suggest whether this would be right for you.

Restorative Dentistry

Tooth restorations are the various ways your dentist can replace missing teeth or repair missing parts of the tooth structure. Tooth structure can be missing due to decay, deterioration of a previously placed restoration, or fracture of a tooth.
Examples of restorations include the following:
Fillings are considered the most common type of dental restoration.
What Types of Filling Materials Are Available?

Today, several dental filling materials are available. Teeth can be filled with gold; porcelain; silver amalgam (which consists of mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper); or tooth-colored, plastic, and materials called composite resin fillings. There is also a material that contains glass particles and is known as glass ionomer. This material is used in ways similar to the use of composite resin fillings.
What are Inlays & Onlays?
Dental inlays and onlays are a medium between dental crowns and fillings. They are implicated on teeth at the back of the mouth that has suffered a moderate level of decay. Not only this, but inlays and onlays can also be placed on teeth that have undergone some fracturing; more serious damage will probably be resolved with a dental crown.
What are Dental Crowns and Tooth Bridges?
Both crowns and most bridges are fixed prosthetic devices. Unlike removable devices such as dentures, which you can take out and clean daily, crowns and bridges are cemented onto existing teeth or implants, and can only be removed by a dentist.
How do Crowns Work?
A crown is used to entirely cover or “cap” a damaged tooth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment.
How do Bridges Work?
A bridge may be recommended if you’re missing one or more teeth. Gaps left by missing teeth eventually cause the remaining teeth to rotate or shift into the empty spaces, resulting in a bad bite. The imbalance caused by missing teeth can also lead to gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
How long do crowns last?
Crowns should last approximately five to eight years. However, with good oral hygiene and supervision, most crowns will last for a much longer period of time. Some damaging habits like grinding your teeth, chewing ice or fingernail biting may cause this period of time to decrease significantly.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Your smile is the first impression that others have of you, so it makes sense that you would want it to be bright, white and healthy. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, more than 99 percent of all American adults believe that a smile is an important asset for social situations. Perhaps that is why so many patients are electing cosmetic dental procedures to improve their smiles and boost self-confidence.
Did you know…
that cosmetic dentistry is more than just teeth whitening? Your Merrifield cosmetic dentist is also capable of transforming your smile’s shape, color, alignment, as well as filling in gaps and discreetly restoring decayed or damaged teeth with tooth-colored fillings. In fact, modern advancements in cosmetic dentistry have made it possible for patients to achieve nearly perfect teeth with cosmetic enhancements and restorations that are virtually undetectable to friends, family and peers.
Am I a candidate for cosmetic dentistry?
You may be a candidate for cosmetic dentistry in Merrifield if your healthy teeth have imperfections that you would prefer to be changed to enhance the appearance of your smile. It is important to recognize that esthetic dental treatments are not meant to alter your overall appearance, but rather to provide a positive change that compliments the health and natural appearance of your teeth. If you think cosmetic dentistry is right for you, contact your Merrifield cosmetic dentist today to schedule a consultation.
What types of cosmetic treatments are available for me?
There are many types of cosmetic treatments available, from in-office teeth whitening to total smile make-overs. The types of treatments available to you will depend on your overall goals, but may include professional whitening, composite facing, laminate veneers, or dental implants.

Gingival Treatments

What is gum disease (gingivitis)?
Gum disease, or gingivitis, is inflammation of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth and is most commonly a result of poor dental hygiene.
Periodontitis, also generally called gum disease or periodontal disease, begins with bacterial growth in your mouth and may end — if not properly treated — with tooth loss due to destruction of the tissue that surrounds your teeth.

Non-surgical Treatments for Gum Disease
Treatments for gum disease that don’t involve surgery include:

• Professional dental cleaning. During a typical checkup your dentist or dental hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar (plaque that builds up and hardens on the tooth surface and can only be removed with professional cleaning) from above and below the gum line of allteeth. If you have some signs of gum disease, your dentist may recommend professional dental cleaning more than twice-a-year.
• Scaling and root planing. This is a deep-cleaning, nonsurgical procedure, done under a local anesthetic, whereby plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line are scraped away (scaling) and rough spots on the tooth root are made smooth (planing). Smoothing the rough spots removes bacteria and provides a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth. Scaling and root planing is done if your dentist or periodontist determines that you have plaque and calculus (hardened plaque, also called tartar) under the gums that needs to be removed.
Surgical Treatments for Gum Disease
Some treatments for gum disease are surgical. Some examples are:
• Flap surgery/pocket reduction surgery. During this procedure the gums are lifted back and the tarter is removed. In some cases, irregular surfaces of the damaged bone are smoothed to limit areas where disease-causing bacteria can hide. The gums are then placed so that the tissue fits snugly around the tooth. This method reduces the size of the space between the gum and tooth, thereby decreasing the areas where harmful bacteria can grow and decreasing the chance of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease.
• Flap Root Planing:When periodontal pockets are too deep to access non-surgically, or if gingival inflammation is more severe, it is often necessary to expose the roots by gently peeling back the overlying gum tissue. This procedure is known as a flap. Local anesthetic is administered the same as for non-surgical root planing.
• Gingival curettage : gingival curettage consists of the removal of inflamed soft tissue lateral to pocket wall.

Oral Surgery

Wisdom Teeth
The average mouth is made to hold only 28 teeth. It can be painful when 32 teeth try to fit in a mouth that holds only 28 teeth. These four other teeth are your third molars. Also known as wisdom teeth, they are the last teeth to erupt within the mouth. When they align properly and gum tissue is healthy, wisdom teeth do not have to be removed. Unfortunately, this does not generally happen. If you are having mouth pain, please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Deciduous teeth extraction procedure
When a tooth has been damaged either by infection from tooth decay or trauma from a knock or bump, the dental professional will provide advice as to the best treatment for the tooth. If the damage to the tooth is too great, the best option may be to extract the tooth.
Although it is generally not necessary to extract deciduous teeth, some children may require this procedure. The process and precautions are exactly the same as in adult tooth extraction.
Surgical Extraction
Gum disease can loosen or severely damage a tooth. A tooth that is severely damaged may need to be removed. Your dentist or a surgeon who specializes in surgeries of the mouth (oral and maxillofacial surgeon) can remove a tooth.
Before removing your tooth, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. A stronger, general anesthetic may be used, especially if several or all of your teeth need to be removed. General anesthetic prevents pain in the whole body and will make you sleep through the procedure.

What is a denture?
People wear dentures to replace lost or missing teeth so they can enjoy a healthy diet and smile with confidence. Dentures are made of either acrylic (plastic) or metal.
A ‘complete’ or ‘full’ denture is one which replaces all the natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.
A ‘partial’ denture fills in the spaces left by lost or missing teeth. It may be fastened to your natural teeth with metal clasps or ‘precision attachments’.

Why should I wear dentures?
Full dentures, to replace all your own teeth, fit snugly over your gums. They will help you to eat comfortably and speak clearly, and will improve your confidence and self-esteem.
Partial dentures replace teeth that are missing, and can sometimes be supported by the teeth you have left. If you have gaps between your teeth, then your other teeth may move to take up some of the space, so you could end up with crooked or tilted teeth. This could affect the way you bite and could damage your other teeth.
How soon can I have a denture after my teeth are taken out?
Usually dentures can be fitted straight after your teeth have been removed. These are called ‘immediate dentures’. You will need to visit the dental team beforehand for them to take measurements and impressions of your mouth.
With immediate dentures you don’t have to be without teeth while your gums are healing. However, bone and gums can shrink over time, especially during the first six months after your teeth have been taken out. If your gums shrink, your immediate dentures may need relining, adjusting or even replacing. Your dental team will be able to talk to you about this.
Sometimes your dental team may advise you to wait until your gums are healed before having your dentures, as this can sometimes mean a better fit. Healing may take several months.
Will I be able to eat with dentures?
Eating will take a little practice. Start with soft foods cut into small pieces. Chew slowly, using both sides of your mouth at the same time to stop the denture moving. As you become more used to your denture, add other foods until you get back to your normal healthy diet.
How long should I wear my dentures?
During the first few days, your dental team may advise you to wear them for most of the time, including while you are asleep. After your mouth gets used to your dentures, your dental team may advise you to take them out before going to bed. This allows your gums to rest and helps keep your mouth healthy. When you remove your dentures at night, it is best to store them in a small amount of water to stop them warping.
Do I need to do anything special to care for my mouth?
Even with full dentures, you still need to take good care of your mouth. Every morning and evening, brush your gums, tongue and the roof of your mouth with a soft brush. This removes plaque and helps the blood circulation in your mouth. If you wear partial dentures, it is even more important that you brush your teeth thoroughly every day. This will help stop tooth decay and gum disease that can lead to you losing more of your teeth. Your dentist may refer you to the hygienist to have your remaining natural teeth cleaned regularly.

Root Canals

Root canals are valuable dental procedures used to treat and preserve teeth with badly infected roots. The pulp is the live portion of the tooth that extends into the root and contains nerve endings and tissues. When it becomes infected, patients can experience pain, swelling and even total tooth loss unless treated. Root canals remove the damaged parts of the tooth and infected root. In some cases, an antibiotic is prescribed to help prevent further infection within the tooth. The organic portion of the tooth that remains may be restored using a cap or crown that provides a natural appearance and normal tooth function.


Orthodontics at any age
People of any age can benefit from orthodontic treatment. Teeth that are crooked, crowded, or that stick out affect the way your teeth look and work. Orthodontic treatment not only improves the look of your smile but your health as well. Straight teeth are easier to clean and less likely to get tooth decay or injured. If you are not happy with the way your teeth look or work, orthodontic treatment may help.
What is orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontic treatment straightens your teeth so they look and work better. Braces or other appliances are used to put gentle pressure on your teeth. Over a number of months or years this pressure can move your teeth into the right position.
Why you may need orthodontics
The position of your teeth and jaws has an effect on your bite. Your bite is how your top and bottom teeth come together. When your top and bottom teeth do not fit together properly, this is called a malocclusion or a bad bite. Problems like missing, crooked, crowded or protruding teeth can contribute to a bad bite. Thumb or finger sucking may also affect your bite.
A bad bite can make it hard to chew some foods and may cause some teeth to wear down. It can also cause muscle tension and pain. Teeth that stick out are more easily chipped or broken. Crowded and crooked teeth are harder to clean and may be more likely to get cavities and gum disease. Fixing a bad bite improves your smile and your health. Different types of bad bites include an overbite, a crossbite, an overjet and an open bite.
Why you may need orthodontics.
How long does treatment take?
Orthodontic treatment takes time. The amount of time depends on your age, the seriousness of your problem and the treatment technique used. Treatment generally involves a visit to your dentist or orthodontist on a regular basis over a period of months to years. In general, it takes longer to treat adults than children or teenagers. Most people wear braces for about 2 years.
The most common type of orthodontic treatment used by dentists or orthodontists is braces.
How braces are done

To apply braces, your dentist or orthodontist attaches brackets (or bands) to each tooth with glue. Arch wires are fitted into all the brackets and are usually held in place with rubber or wire ties.
You may feel some discomfort for a while when your braces are first put on and when they are adjusted. It will take a little time to get used to your braces and they can bother your lips and cheeks. If this happens, a relief wax can be applied to your braces. To make eating easier after an adjustment, soft foods are recommended.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgical-grade root devices that support permanent tooth prosthetics that are manufactured to last a lifetime. These artificial roots are anchored in the bone beneath the gums where they become fused into the jaw. A crown is mounted atop the implant for a long-lasting and natural looking smile. Many dentists and patients prefer dental implants because they offer the same function as natural teeth and also help prevent bone atrophy in the jaw. Dental implants may be used to replace a single missing or damaged tooth or to restore an entire smile.
Did you know…..
that approximately 30 million people live with no natural teeth in one or both jaws? But more and more dental patients are opting for dental implants as a means of tooth replacement. The American Academy of Implant Dentistry reports that 3 million people currently have dental implants – a number that is rapidly growing by about 500,000 per year. Modern titanium implants were first developed in the 1950’s, but archeologists have determined that ancient Egyptians and Mayans were the first cultures to implant artificial teeth.

Other Services

Scaling and polishing including prophyjet to remove tough stains

For patients with stubborn stains on their teeth such as smoker’s teeth or stains from drinking tea, we will use a special polishing equipment called the Prophyjet. It is an instrument where water mixed with a special cleaning salt is jet out at high pressure to remove any stubborn stains. It can even reach any hard to reach areas which conventional polishing instrument cannot get into.
How often should I go for Scaling and Polishing
6 monthly scaling and polishing is usually adequate for most patients. However if tartar or stains is building up more quickly on your teeth then a more frequent visit to the dentist is needed. Feel free to call us for an appointment so that our experienced dentist could advise you accordingly.

Who Needs a Mouth Guard?

Mouth guards should be used by anyone — children and adults — who play contact sports such as football, boxing, soccer, ice hockey, basketball, lacrosse, and field hockey. However, even those participating in noncontact sports (for example, gymnastics) and any recreational activity (for example, skateboarding, mountain biking) that might pose a risk of injury to the mouth would benefit from wearing a protective mouth guard.
Adults and children who grind their teeth at night should have a nocturnal bite plate or bite splint made to prevent tooth damage.

Mouth Ulcer

A mouth ulcer (also termed an oral ulcer, or a mucosal ulcer) is an ulcer that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Mouth ulcers are very common, occurring in association with many diseases and by many different mechanisms, but usually there is no serious underlying cause.
The two most common causes of oral ulceration are local trauma (e.g. rubbing from a sharp edge on a filling) and aphthous stomatitis (“canker sores”), a condition characterized by recurrent formation of oral ulcers for largely unknown reasons. Mouth ulcers often cause pain and discomfort, and may alter the person’s choice of food while healing occurs (e.g. avoiding acidic or spicy foods and beverages).
Treatment can range from simply smoothing or removing a local cause of trauma, to addressing underlying factors such as dry mouth or substituting a problem medication. Maintaining good oral hygiene and use of an antiseptic mouthwashes/sprays (e.g. chlorhexidine) can prevent secondary infection and therefore hasten healing. A topical analgesic (e.g. benzydamine mouthwash) may reduce pain. Topical (gels, creams or inhalers) or systemic steroids may be used to reduce inflammation. An antifungal drug may be used to prevent oral candidiasis developing in those who use prolonged steroids.

Dental Abscess Diagnosis

A doctor or dentist can determine by physical examination if there is a drainable abscess. X-rays of the mouth may be necessary to show small abscesses that are located at the deepest part of the tooth.
Dental Abscess Treatment
For an acute dental abscess that causes substantial pain or swelling, the doctor may incise and drain the abscess and/or try therapy with antibiotics. Abscesses that are eminently life-threatening may require hospital admission. Pain medication is commonly prescribed until the symptoms can be controlled. These initial measures are often necessary to temporarily relieve the signs and symptoms of an acute abscess; however, further treatment directed at eliminating the primary source of the infection is necessary to prevent recurrence. The location of this primary source determines the “definitive” treatment options, which may include root canal treatment, periodontal treatment, or extraction of the tooth.

What causes a dry socket?

A dry socket is caused by the partial or total loss of a blood clot in the tooth socket after a tooth extraction. Normally, after a tooth is extracted, a blood clot will form as the first step in healing to cover and protect the underlying jawbone. If the blood clot is lost or does not form, the bone is exposed and healing is delayed.
Treatment of dry socket focuses on reducing symptoms, particularly pain. Dry socket treatment may include:
• Flushing out the socket. Your dentist or oral surgeon may flush the socket to remove any food particles or other debris that may contribute to pain or infection.
• Medicated dressings.
• Pain medication.
• Self-care

What is alveoplasty?

Alveoplasty is a surgical procedure used to smooth out the jawbone. This is done in areas where teeth have been removed or where teeth have been lost. Alveoplasty can be done alone but it is usually performed at the same time with tooth extraction. Oral surgeons usually do alveoplasties although some dentists are also trained to do it.
How is alveoplasty done?
Alveoplasty is performed in the dentist’s office under local anaesthesia or using an intravenous sedation combined with local anaesthesia. Some of the patients may need general anaesthesia so their procedures may have to be done at the hospital. If teeth have to be removed then they will be extracted first prior tot the alveoplasty.
The surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue and peel it back to expose the bone. The surgeon will use a rotary drill to remove the necessary bone and then use a file to smoothen it. When the bone has been smoothed, the surgeon will irrigate the area so that all the bone particles and debris are removed. If a stent is needed then the surgeon will replace the gum tissue over the bone and set the stent above it. Since the stent imitates the shape of a denture, the surgeon will be able to determine if the right amount of bone was removed. If the stent does not fit well then more bone will be removed until the stent fits properly. The gum tissue will be replaced and then it will be stitched closed. Surgeons usually use locking sutures that minimize the bleeding and seals the tissues closed.

Family Medical Polyclinic Services

Family Medical Polyclinic, Qatar provides a full spectrum of pediatric, Obstetrics and Gynecology, ENT, Dermatology and adult care services from primary to family medicine to advanced specialty care
Bringing you comprehensive diagnosis and care of all dermatologic conditions.
Give yourself the Freedom to live the life you want…
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Our Obstetrics and Gynecology (often abbreviated to OB/GYN, OBG, O&G or Obs & Gynae) Department provides a full range of OB/Gyn services to meet the health needs of women in Qatar throughout their lives. OB/GYN are the two surgical–medical specialties dealing with the female reproductive organs in their pregnant and non-pregnant state. Obstetricians and Gynecologists are fully certified with many years of experience caring for women.

Our services includes:
• OB gynecology consultation
• Pap smear,
• Cauterization,
• Intra Uterine Insemination
• Loop insertion,
• loop removal,
• CTG singleton,
• Surgical stitch removal,
• Excision of vulval lesion


Parents only want the best for their children, so bring yours to Pediatric Services of Family Medical Polyclinic,Qatar for pediatric services.

Some of our services include:
• Consultation
• Nebulization
• oxygen nebulization,
• nebulizer nebulization

Pediatric Services
Whether your child is sick or needs a school physical; our pediatric services are performed by the top pediatric providers in the area. At our practice, we provide a comprehensive team approach for all of our patients, which includes diet and nutrition consultations and obesity and behavioral management. Bring your children in for sick and wellness visits and school and sport physicals.


Diseases and disorders of the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck negatively impact the lives of millions around the world. Our health information, created by our member physicians, provides a basic overview of diagnoses and treatments for many of these conditions.
Our services includes:
• Ear: removal of cerumen, ear suction, removal of foreign body from ear, ear pack,
• Nose, pharynx , throat,: removal of foreign body from nose, nasal su tion, nasal pack, cauterization of nasal septum



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